Best Menstrual Cup
Period Panties Save You from Any Embarrassment in the Public

There are many products in the market to make life comfortable for women during their menstruation cycle. Though many women generally use tampons and pads during the period times they can also check out for the best alternative menstrual cup that offers great comfort and can be reused for a long time.
There are no more troubles like disposing the pads or tampons, but can just be emptied into the lavatory, washed and can be reused again. This is also very economical as you need not buy each and every time as the menstrual cup, which comes as a 100% FDA approved medical grade silicone can be used up to 15 years.
Period Panties

By using the menstrual cup you can avoid rashes, infections or allergies caused by pads or tampons and they are quite ecofriendly as they can be reused again and again. The sterilizing menstrual cup can also be bought along with the menstrual cup to sterilize it in the microwave oven.
However, those who prefer sanitary pads or tampons can also check out for the scented hygiene bags which can be effectively used to dispose the used sanitary pads and tampons without catching attention.
However, by using the instant hand warmer bags they can immediately get relief from the cramps.